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Statistics show that teens raised by LGBT parents often have higher rates of depression, drug abuse and suicide than by straight parents


A mother raises a boy, a father makes him a man, without a masculine role model boys run around with their emotions, when boys can’t control emotions people get stabbed and hurt


Fears that children adopted by same-sex couples would face bullying or that their own gender identities might be affected are largely unfounded. In fact, studies suggest that same-sex families are thriving – they score particularly well in assessments of family relationships, parental wellbeing and child adjustment.


LGBTQ parents should be more careful because their children will be growing up in a different family environment than the normally.


We were created by God as Man and Woman - read Genesis 1. Young children will take on the beliefs of their parents, and to expose young children to perverted views on sexuality is just plain wrong, and against what our Creator had in mind for us.


No - Adoptions should be allowed for heterosexual parents who cannot conceive or parents who want to foster children who have been abandoned. They might be able to conceive naturally and this takes away from parents who cannot conceive due to infertility.

 @9GRRJCDfrom Grad Zagreb agreed…5mos5MO

You need more proof than only a woman and a man can produce a child? That is my main reasoning for my stance. Two women or two men, should be able to adopt, sure, just as any single woman or man, as long as they're a financially (and uh, mentally) stable adult. But they shouldn't be treated the same as a straight couple. You're trying to mask an ideology as a fact of nature. It is not and never will be, but a lesser (or a child's) mind will take it as such.


A child’s development will not be normal without the influence if both a mother and father as evidenced by single parent families.


A study has proven
Children who were deprived of maternal care during extended periods in their early lives “lacked feeling, had superficial relationships, and exhibited hostile or antisocial tendencies” as they developed into adulthood. what does this mean for children with two gay male parents.
A study (Sirota 2009) of 68 women with gay or bisexual fathers and 68 women with heterosexual fathers found a statistically significant difference between the two groups. The women (whose average age in both groups was 29) with gay or bisexual fathers had difficulty with adult attachmen…  Read more


Parents who support the LGBT ideology have statistically reared more confused and less well-developed children than those who were raised by married, heterosexual couples.


They should not have the right to adopt a child because it is not right for a child to grow up with a man and man or woman or woman but the god told us which is man and woman is the right way


By what objective moral standard do claim that LGBT identifying people have a right to inflict themselves on (other peoples) children.


If you teach a kid that LGBT is good with their young minds they will agree since they don’t know any better.


If a person adopts a child and the parent supports a certain sports team, or does a certain job, chances are the child will follow. Same goes for LGBT they will follow.

 @9LLTSWKagreed…1 day1D

I know from personal experience with one of my friends he has two mothers and he just had a baby but he just doesn't know how to act like a father


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