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 @9MH26SC disagreed…25mins25m

If speech is to be policed, who is to decide what is and isn’t acceptable? Where is the line going to be drawn between g…

 @9MH2DYS agreed…32mins32m

Sexuality is about preference and one is free to sleep with and be in relationships with whoever they please. But gay an…

 @9MH2DYS answered…31mins31m

Yes and invest more into a diversified approach to defense that incorporates conventional and cyber capabilities too

 @9MH2DYS answered…31mins31m

The government should build more housing full stop, but incentivise these buildings to be made beautiful. No more glass…

 @9MGYMP5 answered…4hrs4H

I dont want to say they should be made to but if we could offer free English courses it would be helpful to them

 @9MGYH65 agreed…4hrs4H

To allow Ukraine to fall would incontrovertibly pave the way for China to forcibly take control of Taiwan and other isla…

 @9MGYFC6 answered…4hrs4H

The leadership of both sides of this conflict has proved that they do not care for the lives of innocents caught in the…

 @9MGYFC6 answered…4hrs4H

No, unless there is another international organization like the EU, but with states that the UK has stronger historical…

 @9MGWXP7 answered…6hrs6H

No we need to leave NATO and create a alliance with Russia China and any other country that wants to join