Try the political quiz

Bim Afolami’s policies on education issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average UK [United Kingdom] voter ranked them on the quiz.


Education  ›  Free School Meals

Should free meals be offered to all primary school students?

  Party’s support baseYes, but only if they meet high nutritional standards

Education  ›  GCSE Exams

Should every student be required to take a GCSE exam at the end of Year Eleven?

  Party’s support baseYes

Education  ›  Standardised Curriculum

Should all state schools be required to follow a standard curriculum?

  Party’s support baseYes

Education  ›  Tuition Fees

Should the UK abolish university tuition fees?

  Party’s support baseNo

Education  ›  Critical Race Theory in K-12 Education

Should critical race theory be taught in primary and secondary school?

  Party’s support baseNo

Education  ›  Grammar Schools

Would you support the return of a selective education system and the reintroduction of grammar schools?

BA>BA  Bim Afolami voterbaseNo, focus on improving current standards instead

Education  ›  Free Schools

Should the government allow businesses, charities, parents or teachers to use public money to start "free schools"?

  Party’s support baseNo

Education  ›  School Truancy

Should the government decriminalize school truancy?

  Party’s support baseNo

Education  ›  Charter Schools

Do you support charter schools?

  Party’s support baseYes

Education  ›  University Debt Accountability

Should universities be held financially accountable if graduates, with degrees leading to lower income jobs, default on their student loans?

  Party’s support baseNo