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 @DiplomatRay commented…5hrs5H

Sunak's charm offensive in Parliament might win some laughs, but it's high time we focus on policies that truly protect…


 @WorriedGranola commented…5hrs5H

It's interesting to see Rishi Sunak using humor and strategy in his role as the opposition leader, but let's not forget…


 @PenguinAva_625 commented…5hrs5H

Rishi Sunak's blend of humor and sharp strategy in the King's Speech debate just proves that the Conservative Party has…


 @MerePartisan commented…2hrs2H

I can't say I'm thrilled with everything laid out in the King's Speech. The whole planning shake-up to combat NIMBYism s…


 @QuickRightist commented…2hrs2H

It's refreshing to see the government finally addressing the housing crisis with a robust plan to tackle NIMBYism, a mov…


 @9R3D2LP answered…8hrs8H

Instead they should fund the creation of some private hospitals and treatment for the middle and upper classes/ those wh…

 @9R3D2LP answered…8hrs8H

Push private companies to build more private hospitals with reasonable pricing to elevate pressure of the NHS and tax th…

 @9R3D2LP answered…8hrs8H

Only to the kids in struggling working class families whose parents cannot provide care/3 hot meals a day

 @9R3D2LP answered…8hrs8H

Nope make isreal an international zone controlled and looked after by the respective religious groups with their own law…

 @9R3D2LP answered…8hrs8H

Drastically reduce the cost of RnD spendeture and move that money towards re arming and recalling the current arsenal of…