Try the political quiz

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 @9QGLYTJ answered…1hr1H

Nigel farage


 @9QGHJXP answered…1hr1H

Green party


 @9QFW5WT answered…3hrs3H



 @9QFGVB6 answered…9hrs9H

Karl Vidol


 @9QFCFNC answered…10hrs10H

Does not support strict immigration laws for illegal immigrants.


 @9QDYXXD answered…11hrs11H

She’s conservative


 @9QH35WZ answered…12mins12m

He is a Conservative.

 @9QH3257 answered…12mins12m

VAT being added to private school fees

 @9QH2Y3C answered…12mins12m

allown in those only with a valid reason, or those whom have a visa or have applied for citizenship.

 @9QH2XVC answered…13mins13m

Immigration policies

 @9QH2X97 answered…13mins13m

depending on the mental state, income and belief that they are open minded to children being their own.

 @9QH2V77 answered…13mins13m

Vote for Lib Dems

 @9QH2R6C answered…13mins13m

Don’t believe in policies

 @9QH2QK6 answered…14mins14m

No chance of power

 @9QH2QJ5 answered…14mins14m

in certain industries it needs more looking at, and more explanation of how it's already being deployed would be helpful…

 @9QH2PTC answered…14mins14m
