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 @ISIDEWITH asked…5mins5m

Should the international community get involved in enforcing the peace agreement, and how does that make you feel about…


 @9NX97NP disagreed…5mins5m

You cannot mandate any vaccines where a side effect is death or injury as with all Vaccines- bodily autonomy is crucial

 @9NYBQYJ answered…6mins6m

no - they should invest more in public transport which would reduce the need for ride sharing services.

 @9NYBNLY disagreed…8mins8m

People who will be effected by the election should be able to vote regardless of age, If anything there should be a cap…

 @9NYBNT6 answered…7mins7m

Don’t like

 @9NYBKYM answered…9mins9m

i stabd with labour, not green

 @9NYBFL3 answered…12mins12m

Wouldn't have voted

 @9NYBC5T answered…13mins13m

Yes but put in more tax rates for the super rich not 50% £150,000 but more breaks up to 75% for £1000000 a year

 @9NYB23H answered…18mins18m

Not labour

 @9NY97VX answered…25mins25m

The NHS is currently broken so it needs fixing, this can be done through health care through employment.

 @9NY9NBV answered…27mins27m

No, we need both skilled workers and those prepared to do jobs that many British people aren’t prepared to do (e.g. clea…

 @9NY9MXW answered…27mins27m

Ed Neville

 @9NY9GWX answered…31mins31m

Liam McLaughlan

 @9NY9DCW answered…33mins33m

This has proved to not work in London with either the CC or ULEZ. I have been driving in London for 25 years and traffic…

 @9NY9DCW answered…33mins33m

Personal taxation is already high at all levels. Large corporations and off-shore earnings needs to be better controlled

 @9NY9DCW answered…33mins33m

I neither support or not support this - but I don't think it should be illegal. However, if the church refuses to suppor…

 @9NY9BBS answered…35mins35m

No, but research more into drugs that may offer medicinal benefits and review the research and law at a later date.

 @9NY9BBS answered…35mins35m

No, conduct a deal with France to stop the boats coming, or if illegal immigrants bypass that, send out a boat to them a…

 @9NY9B39 answered…35mins35m

Palestine campaign material

 @9NY98HB answered…37mins37m

I support labour

 @9NY988V answered…37mins37m

The conservative government

 @9NY96K6 answered…38mins38m

It should be decriminalised not legalised. If we decriminalised as opposed to legalising we would reduce prison num…