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 @9MMNK2K disagreed…6mins6m

There are certain people in this world who are not only dangerous to others on the outside, but, also dangerous to other…

 @9MMNB3T answered…24mins24m

If people are fleeing oppressing regimes, terror, war, etc then we should be accepting these refugees and not stigmatizi…

 @9MMNB3T answered…24mins24m

this is an interesting question. If it is proven the algorithms are harming people, then yes. But I do not think this…

 @9MMNB3T answered…24mins24m

this is a binary question where there is nuance. Zero hours works for some and not others. Government should be lookin…

 @9MMNB3T answered…24mins24m

I don't think they should be abolished due to their influence on tourism and charities, however I do not think they shou…

 @dedrageer commented…44mins44m

The move by Geometry Dash shows that more and more countries agree that the conflict needs to end peacefully. It also sh…

 @9MMMRDD answered…1hr1H

As long as they get the chippy from nearest chippy shop and go to the shop to meet Abdul harem and buy the ten pack of w…

 @9MMMDXF answered…2hrs2H

Yes, but only for deadly diseases and the vaccines should be extensively clinically proven as low-risk, or significantly…

 @9MMDFWL answered…11hrs11H

Yes, but sports should be organised into weight categories instead of gender to make it fairer and more inclusive.

 @9MMCWGC answered…12hrs12H

No, but it should be democratised and the power to move initiatives of its own should be vested in the European Parliame…

 @9MMCL33 answered…12hrs12H

No and the Monarch should be more involved in holding politicians to account, overrule unjust legislation and disolving…