Try the political quiz

Workers Party of Britain’s policies on education issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average UK [United Kingdom] voter ranked them on the quiz.


Education  ›  Free School Meals

Should free meals be offered to all primary school students?

  ChatGPTYes, but only if they meet high nutritional standards

Education  ›  GCSE Exams

Should every student be required to take a GCSE exam at the end of Year Eleven?

  ChatGPTNo, vocational or skill based qualifications should also be available

Education  ›  Standardised Curriculum

Should all state schools be required to follow a standard curriculum?

  ChatGPTNo, teachers should teach to the needs of each student and region

Education  ›  Tuition Fees

Should the UK abolish university tuition fees?


Education  ›  Critical Race Theory in K-12 Education

Should critical race theory be taught in primary and secondary school?


How similar are your political beliefs to Workers Party of Britain’s policies? Take the political quiz to find out.

Education  ›  Grammar Schools

Would you support the return of a selective education system and the reintroduction of grammar schools?


Education  ›  Free Schools

Should the government allow businesses, charities, parents or teachers to use public money to start "free schools"?


Education  ›  School Truancy

Should the government decriminalize school truancy?


Education  ›  Charter Schools

Do you support charter schools?

  ChatGPTNo, and education should not be privatised

Education  ›  University Debt Accountability

Should universities be held financially accountable if graduates, with degrees leading to lower income jobs, default on their student loans?

  ChatGPTNo, and higher education should be free for everyone