Try the political quiz

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 @HushedS3curity commented…11hrs11H

It's about time we prioritize rebuilding our relationship with the EU to ensure a stronger, more secure future for the U…


 @ISIDEWITH asked…13mins13m

If you were in charge, how would you address or prevent such extensive casualties in conflict zones?


 @9QS92MQ answered…13mins13m

I always try and take policy and tests like this to make decisions as well as following news stories. Typically I align…

 @9QS9QJY answered…17mins17m

Yes, but ideally there should not be family and work visas granted to anyone beyond the immediate family of children or…

 @9QS9QJY answered…17mins17m

No, government should deport them to their country of origin regardless of any alleged unsafe conditions.