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 @6YLZBXG commented…8hrs8H

Obviously, peace is the goal, but you can't just take Putin at his word when he's the one who started this whole mess.


 @B42XX2N answered…5hrs5H

Remove all existing loopholes and keep tax the same until the economy is better and we can lower tax.

 @B42XX2N answered…5hrs5H

They should be reduced and students from other countries should be allowed to apply for the same amount.

 @B42NTFT answered…10hrs10H

They should not teach them that they are racist or disadvantaged but they should inform people of the past

 @B42NLJ3 answered…10hrs10H

Should all classes of illegal substances be legalised and taxed as per alcohol

 @B42LVJ7 answered…11hrs11H

They let us take alcohol and cigarettes which causes addiction and thousands of deaths per year. Why shouldn't this be allowed?

 @ISIDEWITH linked…8hrs8H

RAF spy plane buzzes Russian convoy loaded with weapons in Channel ahead of crucial peace talks in London

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…8hrs8H

UK Scrambles Warships and Spy Planes as Russian Fleet Enters British Waters
