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 @9NF4HBL answered…3mins3m

Jeremy Corbin

 @9NF4C5M answered…8mins8m

Yes, but no building to be more than 5 stories and all to allow for 1 vehicle per flat off street parking

 @9NF48KQ answered…12mins12m

Create more shelters or housing for homeless individuals. With support programs and rehabilitation systems.

 @9NF46Z8 answered…14mins14m

Yes, and create more social programs to provide education/ help with acquiring jobs including clothing.

 @9NF3Y63 answered…23mins23m

Yes, extend it to Scotland and reuse the existing rail networks for transportation of goods (taking HGV’s off the road n…

 @9NF3K4F answered…38mins38m

As universities are all suffering due to brexit meaning there are less international students coming to study, the issue…

 @9NF3DBW answered…44mins44m

No, athletes should have the ability to complete in transgender leagues (trans male league and trans women league)

 @9NF3DBW answered…44mins44m

Corporations and billionaires need to be taxed more. Corporations should not be able to get away with paying 0 tax in br…

 @9NF37S5 answered…50mins50m

Ben Houchen

 @9NF2P7X answered…1hr1H

Generally no, but it’s a complicated topic and there should be stronger regulations to prevent workers being exploited.

 @9NF2GJK answered…1hr1H

There should be a serious debate and investigation into the harm of each drug individually and then some can be decrimal…

 @9NDZZXYfrom New York  answered…2hrs2H

No but tuition fee loans should be written off based on a combination of attendance and academic achievement.

 @9NDZXZV answered…2hrs2H

Yes in exceptional circumstances. Due to modern advances in Pharma this is rarely required nowadays.

 @9NDZXZV answered…2hrs2H

Yes - especially US based companies - Federally, they don't have a GDPR equivalent. Also, No UK data should be offshore…

 @9NDZTWM answered…2hrs2H

Yes, but those who can work should either volunteer in the community or show they are actively looking for work.

 @9NDZ68M answered…2hrs2H

Tracey Gilbert

 @9NDZ3YJ answered…2hrs2H

Didn't votr

 @9NDYTNF answered…2hrs2H

This should be up to the parents of the children! Children are NOT government property, just as adults and senior citize…

 @9NDYTNF answered…2hrs2H

No, but escort illegal immigrants back to the last place they came from. For example France, if that's where they came f…

 @9NDYTNF answered…2hrs2H

Critical Emergency should be free. However, things like GP services should not be, and non critical NHS services.

 @9NDYR8C answered…2hrs2H

Contribution should be on a means tested basis so if you are a higher earner you pay towards NHS funding