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 @9QGLYTJ answered…1hr1H

Nigel farage


 @9QGHJXP answered…1hr1H

Green party


 @9QFW5WT answered…3hrs3H



 @9QFGVB6 answered…9hrs9H

Karl Vidol


 @9QFCFNC answered…10hrs10H

Does not support strict immigration laws for illegal immigrants.


 @9QDS5Z6 answered…11hrs11H

Not conservative


 @9QDYXXD answered…11hrs11H

She’s conservative


 @9QH6V9J answered…5mins5m

Green Party are pro-Palestine

 @9QH6S9Y answered…6mins6m

Yes to extent with also more awareness of what the effects are so that people know and can make their own judgement

 @9QH6S9Y answered…6mins6m

If they are homeless there must be a reason as to why they have turnt this service down ? Try to accommodate them as bes…

 @9QH6S9Y answered…6mins6m

Yes but more of an understanding need to be taught so that the people are educated in what they are voting for

 @9QH6RJC answered…6mins6m

Illegal asylum seekers shoukd be sent back to their original country or the safest country closest too

 @9QH6RJC answered…6mins6m

Depends on the conviction, so called petty crimes i.e petty theft, certain driving offences etc should have some sort of…

 @9QH6RJC answered…6mins6m

Adjust the minimum wage accordingly with living costs however all other wages should be adjusted accordingly too

 @9QH6JDT answered…7mins7m

Currently women are disproportionately sentenced under current legislation, fathers need to be equally responsible

 @9QH6DF7 answered…7mins7m

Yes, but with conditions in place to mitigate greed-based increases. Tent should go up when housing costs increase. Land…

 @9QH6D7J answered…7mins7m

I am tending towards yesterday if it reduces the global dependence on unsustainable livestock farming methods but I thin…

 @9QH6D7J answered…7mins7m

They should be reduced and/or means-tested, and means-tested grants should be more readily available for all, especially…

 @9QH66SS answered…8mins8m

live in Leicestershire

 @9QH63Y7 answered…9mins9m

Prefer Izzy Knowles

 @9QH63P2 answered…9mins9m

I want to see drug addicts have more support especially if they are on the streets, but I struggle to imagine people usi…