Try the political quiz

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 @ISIDEWITH asked…4hrs4H

What is your top reason why you would NOT vote for Ethan Brooks in the 2024 Tooting Parliamentary Election?


 @ISIDEWITH asked…5hrs5H

What is your top reason why you would NOT vote for Chris Philp in the 2024 Croydon South Parliamentary Election?


 @ISIDEWITH asked…2hrs2H

What is your top reason why you would NOT vote for Laura Farris in the 2024 Newbury Parliamentary Election?


 @ISIDEWITH asked…2hrs2H

What is your top reason why you would NOT vote for Miatta Fahnbulleh in the 2024 Peckham Parliamentary Election?


 @ISIDEWITH asked…7hrs7H

What is your top reason why you would NOT vote for Claire Sheppard in the 2024 Peckham Parliamentary Election?


 @ISIDEWITH asked…10hrs10H

What is your top reason why you would NOT vote for Ruth Handyside in the 2024 Lewisham East Parliamentary Election?


 @9NS9WP9 answered…7mins7m

Covid has not been shown to kill as many people as intended, with a lot of unknown deaths being linked to covid. I belie…

 @9NS9WP9 answered…7mins7m

I think a lot of traffic laws are unnecessary but people should be penalised for driving incompetence such as crashes an…

 @9NS9WP9 answered…7mins7m

Car manufacturers should inherently be heading towards better fuel efficiency however I also believe it's up to me how e…

 @9NS9WP9 answered…7mins7m

Yes but code should be independently reviewed by many technical parties to ensure AI is not inherently biased based on i…

 @9NS9MKN answered…14mins14m

Who are they

 @9NS4Q4G answered…35mins35m

Yes, but it shouldn't be required to be electric only until we have the charging infrastructure to support them.

 @9NS4Q4G answered…35mins35m

Yes, but the student in question should be offered mental counselling to confirm they are healthy and safe.

 @9NS4Q4G answered…35mins35m

Yes, but the government should also restart their own construction of affordable housing in order to force down the rent…

 @9NS4Q4G answered…35mins35m

Yes, but their production should be supervised at every step by health inspectors, and the seeds should not be able to b…

 @9NS8NDG answered…36mins36m

Green Party

 @9NS8HKH answered…40mins40m

More fairness and targetting of benefit support to those who need it most, but also crack down better on benefit cheats.

 @9NS8HKH answered…40mins40m

Merit should come first but companies should be actively striving for equality in receruitment and where they are short…

 @9NS8HKH answered…40mins40m

Politically, both have a right to their own state and should peacefully co-exist but both peoples have been led by bruta…

 @9NS8HKH answered…40mins40m

Abolish GCSES now that all students have to study till 18, and reform the curriculum in a radical way so that education…

 @9NS8HKH answered…40mins40m

We should teach the historical and social facts about uncontested forms of racism ie discrimination/which behaviours are…

 @9NS85X9 answered…49mins49m

She doesn't represent the views I hold dear