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 @9QRPLPX answered…2hrs2H

Yes but there should be a movement to reduce spending on it in the near future and to discourage the development of nucl…

 @9QR5WPN answered…3hrs3H

Social media companies should regulate themselves and be accountable for mis use and mis information

 @9QR5WPN answered…3hrs3H

No but there should be more education and acceptance of gender fluidity throughout puberty to allow young people to inve…

 @9QR5WPN answered…3hrs3H

NHS salaries should be increased. More people employed. More hospitals and health centres built to manage the volume of…

 @9QR5WPN answered…3hrs3H

No cuts to public spending. Review inefficiencies in government spending. Raising taxes could improve services for all.

 @9QR5WPN answered…3hrs3H

I think the world has changed since unions were created. Employees rights have improved and been made law and is support…

 @9QRN99G answered…5hrs5H

No, but it should be allowed to have women on company's board of directors and recommended to have women so that there i…

 @9QRMR34 answered…6hrs6H

Yes, but only because business owners are inherently biased and so cannot fairly hire in a meritocratic fashion

 @9QRMR34 answered…6hrs6H

Yes, so long as they are monitored and interviewed fairly by medical professionals that determine them to have gender dy…