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 @9NT74NQ answered…5mins5m

More long term research is required on impact to farmers and population health. Promoting more plant based eating to com…

 @9NT74NQ answered…5mins5m

This is a good idea but should have more ambitious technology such as the bullet trains in Japan not this outdated tech

 @9NT74NQ answered…5mins5m

Provided they can make a small percentage profit and not a loss or important private landlords will be lost and with no…

 @9NT749V agreed…7mins7m

The uk is second in the world for amount of power generated by wind. This is good but means our grid is often dependant…

 @9NT6Y2C agreed…9mins9m

Killing a killer makes you a killer? What moral lesson do we teach our children if we punish death with death? Should we…

 @9NT6TX4 answered…11mins11m

Absolutely no way, it should be raised to 21 at least, the 18 Yr holds haven't got a clue these days

 @9NT6QRQ answered…13mins13m

Greens cannot beat conservatives

 @9NT6H69 answered…18mins18m

Don’t know enough about her policies

 @9NT6GT3 agreed…19mins19m

I believe in a future where technologies will exist that move away for fission to fusion, which is 100% clean and has no…

 @9NT6GW6 answered…18mins18m

Depends on individual connections in Rwanda and the UK and why they would be a risk to stay here in uk

 @9NT6CXK answered…20mins20m

The salaries of lower band workers should be increased, paid for by decreasing the salaries, or reducing the number of m…

 @9NT68XY answered…22mins22m

Robert courts

 @9NT65BZ answered…25mins25m

Treatment should be paid for by insurance, if they have no insurance, they should be required to pay for treatment (mayb…

 @9NT65BZ answered…25mins25m

Pro choice but under 3 months unless there is a risk of death to the mother or baby. Also do not agree with late abortio…

 @9NT63LM agreed…27mins27m

Without funding, Ukraine will lose the war. This would bolster the Russians and other countries would be at risk of inva…

 @9NT5ZVS answered…28mins28m

Ideally the local council should provide a safe location for them, as well as access to food, clothing and medicine

 @9NT5SP6 answered…32mins32m

Yes, but children need to be educated about each major party and their policies in order to make an informed decision.

 @9NT5KQ5 answered…39mins39m

Yes, but only if they have a job that is useful to the people and country like, building trade, doctor that they get a r…

 @9NT5KQ5 answered…39mins39m

Yes, as long they have finished there sentences and finished a suspension of being involved in UK politics.