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 @9NPWMLQ answered…2hrs2H

No, and instead of complex benefit systems and checks, a Universal Basic Income should be established

 @9NPWMLQ answered…2hrs2H

No, but media literacy, science literary and detection of misinformation should be a core subject taught in all schools

 @9NPYSNF answered…3hrs3H

Haven’t voted

 @9NPYQ3Y answered…3hrs3H

I think it should be lowered however people should be educated on it before they vote regarding the policies each party…

 @9NPYPXD answered…3hrs3H

Yes, however this must be alongside a citizenship class for young pupils in order to ensure that our electorate remains…

 @9NPYPXD answered…3hrs3H

shouldnt all be sent ot rwanda but should be prevented from entering UK for a long period of time where possible, the us…

 @9NPY95W answered…3hrs3H

Don’t want to

 @9NPY43S agreed…3hrs3H

Gender confusion all stems from mental change primarily due to teenagers changing and developing so it is completely nat…

 @9NPY43S disagreed…3hrs3H

I think people should not transition because biologically it is just not right. people confused about their gender shoul…

 @9NPY3MM answered…3hrs3H


 @9NPXZNW agreed…3hrs3H

or, what if a single parent cant take care of their child and cant give the child to the other parent as they're absent…

 @9NPXZNW answered…3hrs3H

Yes but i think once they get on their feet they should be allowed to come into the uk if they could pay and had a passp…

 @9NPXZ5R answered…3hrs3H

Ben Spencer

 @9NPXZ5R answered…3hrs3H

Yes but also increase incentives for recycling by users and increase tax incentives for companies with less biodegradabl…

 @9NPXZ5R answered…3hrs3H

I think that people who committed horrific crimes with undeniable evidence should not be put on death row but should be…

 @9NPXZ3H answered…3hrs3H

depends on their situation. If they need critical medical attention but cannot afford it they should then get it for fre…

 @9NPXKR4 answered…3hrs3H

yes but fund more gps and pharmacies, rather than expensively treating issues only when they become serious

 @9NPX9YQ answered…3hrs3H

Howard Cox

 @9NPX6NR answered…3hrs3H

Dont like him

 @9NPX5SD answered…3hrs3H

No, but make less loopholes for generational wealth in trusts etc. and don't punish unmarried people.

 @9NPX5MY answered…3hrs3H

Do not align with Reform