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 @9NTDQFX answered…5hrs5H



 @9NTXZK7 answered…6mins6m

No, but give the police more training in social issues and mental health, and move the focus more towards support and ed…

 @9NTXQLD answered…11mins11m

No, they should redirect stricter emissions standards toward plastic factories and others of the sort.

 @9NTTPWQ disagreed…18mins18m

The cost and the infrastructure are barriers. The cars damage the road more due to being heavier and will require a huge…

 @9NTX8H7 answered…20mins20m

Yes and no, houses need to be affordable for the less privileged, currently all high density residential building are ov…

 @9NTX74V answered…21mins21m

Alun Cairns

 @9NTWY4F answered…24mins24m

Hurt but they are essential to protect workers rights and their power should not be reduced nor limited.

 @9NTWY4F answered…24mins24m

Dependant on situation, right now the world is an unsafe place so it would be foolish to decrease spending despite the c…

 @9NTWY4F answered…24mins24m

Yes and then they should have courses to assimilate or understand or culture, diversity is good but it should not be dan…

 @9NTWXT5 answered…24mins24m

It must be very transparent about what is on offer, I work in a setting that has flexi support staffing and it is made v…

 @9NTWXT5 answered…24mins24m

We need to be humane about the plight of peoples around the world who have no right or safety because of political or ge…

 @9NTWWFQ answered…25mins25m

Adria Pittock

 @9NTVVLH answered…45mins45m

Debra cooper

 @9NTVTBV answered…45mins45m

Yes, only in the interim of a good reason child is not attending school and until treatment/support for that is offered

 @9NTVRPY answered…46mins46m

some regulation is needed but who would judge what is misinformation/fake news? one person's fake news is another person…

 @9NTVRPY answered…46mins46m

No, but out-going PMs should not be allowed to put anyone in to the HoL; no one should have automatic admission

 @9NTVPFF answered…47mins47m

Visas should be granted for professions that have a shortage like they do in Australia and this should be regularly upda…

 @9NTVJRD agreed…51mins51m

We must get to net zero, and currently we are no where near due to the greed of companies and lack of regulation.