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 @9P6S6P7 answered…1hr1H

Chavvy name

 @9P6QG3C disagreed…1hr1H

I have the personal right to a choose whether I put any medication, chemical or other substances into my body There is…

 @9P6QG3C answered…1hr1H

No because they advocated changing to diesel a few years ago. Now users are being penalised for a government incentive.

 @9P6RWVK answered…1hr1H

Keith starmer

 @9P6RVTB answered…1hr1H

Yes, the immigration revolving around education. Students coming here on a visa being allowed to bring their families

 @9P6RQYX answered…1hr1H

No, but regional authorities should be given greater autonomy (e.g. Mayor of Greater Manchester etc.)

 @9P6RQYX answered…1hr1H

No, if Israel enveloped Gaza and the Jordane West Bank, everyone currently living in those places would benefit from liv…

 @9P6RQYX answered…1hr1H

No, the government should support Israel in retrieving their hostages and eliminating the terror threat hiding in Gaza.…

 @9P6RQYX answered…1hr1H

No, what one country's government considers authoritarian may not reflect the will or experience of a foreign populace.

 @9P6RP6F answered…1hr1H

yes - Decriminalising drug will do 2 things: 1) people addicted will be less marginalised and demonised, 2) There will b…

 @9P6RM9V answered…1hr1H

Racist, Islamophobic, xenophobic party

 @9P6RKFC answered…2hrs2H

Who are they?

 @9P6RG5Z answered…2hrs2H

They should also stop websites for collecting cookies, you should opt in to give them and not the other way around.

 @9P6RG5Z answered…2hrs2H

Personal bank accounts should not be visible to anyone unless a warrant is issued or suspicion of fraud

 @9P6RFXF answered…2hrs2H

Im in Eastbourne

 @9P6RCPW answered…2hrs2H

Won't vote Tory.

 @9P6RBRD answered…2hrs2H

No. The US dollar is backed by nothing but confidence. Digital currency backed by fiat currency does not create a safe…

 @9P6R6TR answered…2hrs2H

Fewer, current benefits do not provide enough support. These benefits should only go to Uk citizens.

 @9P6R6TR answered…2hrs2H

Yes, but only for most drugs, not all. Drug use should be legally regulated, and funding for addiction treatment and pre…

 @9P6R4Y9 answered…2hrs2H

He is a member of the Conservative party.

 @9P6JV4G answered…2hrs2H

concerning most people do not even understand this currency!! Its made up

 @9P6JV4G answered…2hrs2H

Its only going up to match the rising cost of living, its the cost of living that is too high pushing the need for NMW t…

 @9P6QY3M agreed…2hrs2H

Human beings are social animals that develop via imprinting and imitating. The traditional family structure provides the…