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 @9NG6CQH answered…16mins16m

Funding should be equal to both police departments and social and community based programs, you need both for a safe soc…

 @9NG6CG4 answered…17mins17m

Not high density, as we’ve seen the issues caused by that over recent decades. But social housing must be encouraged

 @9NG649M answered…27mins27m

Nobody should be refused shelter. We should have a programme to provide sheltered accommodation for everyone that needs…

 @9NG5YZW answered…32mins32m

Decriminalise some drugs, retrospectively reduce sentences, put money towards rehabilitation and prevention

 @9NG53KY disagreed…1hr1H

Financial security provides the incentive to pursue employment and maximise contributions to the economy.

 @9NG4ZL8 answered…1hr1H

More of a nato arrangement should be involved in monitoring AI and its use rather than central government

 @9NG2WNJ answered…3hrs3H

Yes but should focus on not engaging in wars that don't involve us and funding health and social care

 @9NFRYCK answered…7hrs7H

Not necessaily 'children' but embryos should have some form of legal protection to prevent them being destroyed

 @9NFTZMH answered…8hrs8H

Yes but make it compulsory for all cyclists to use them with speed restrictions. Also all bikes should have a bell with…

 @9NFTQNV answered…8hrs8H

No, deport them in the most cost effective way possible and document them to ensure they don’t return without the legal…

 @9NFTQNV answered…8hrs8H

Yes, they should go through all ethics and research authorities before carrying out any form of modifications to human g…

 @9NFTLBM answered…8hrs8H

Yes, it is an essential service but workers should be paid appropriately to reflect this (i.e., not have the financial m…

 @9NFSGBV answered…9hrs9H

Grey area, yes if there’s a shortage, no if it’s a saturated market. Or instead create an initiative to train the homele…

 @9NFSGBV answered…9hrs9H

Less privatisation, pay them more and stop allowing GPs to work from home, if an appointment is required it should be in…

 @9NFSGBV answered…9hrs9H

It’s the parents choice and they should be informed of the possible side effects and weigh up the pros and cons

 @9NFSGBV answered…9hrs9H

Yes because it was voted for, but it was a bit of a pass the buck exercise from the government so they could remain blam…

 @9NFSGBV answered…9hrs9H

Yes if it’s for people that actually need it and not just an investment that can be bought on the cheap and turned into…

 @9NFS8MW answered…9hrs9H

AI in it's current state, for it's current uses, should be banned or at least not supported. It is simply a fad.

 @9NFRMYK answered…9hrs9H

’m not Mancunian

 @9NFRGB4 answered…9hrs9H

More good-quality research is needed on puberty blockers and hormone treatments. If is established that they do more goo…

 @9NFRGB4 answered…9hrs9H

The government should calibrate income tax to maximise Government revenue while not stifling growth and productivity.

 @9NFRFPL answered…9hrs9H

They should be made free to students that household has a low income or are living off a single persons wage

 @9NFR83X answered…9hrs9H

Yes - higher regulation on Unis, more polytechnics and removal of micky mouse degs. Limit # years of state funded educat…