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 @9PRBCW7 answered…15mins15m

I think fees should go but not so that it enables people to spend their adult life in education and not working

 @9PRB9ZG answered…19mins19m

They’re should be freedom of movement for legal migrants but with strict criminal background checks and there should be…

 @9PRB25Q answered…36mins36m

The government should not be able to retain data unless for those strongly suspected of being involved in illegal activi…

 @9PRB25Q answered…36mins36m

Rwanda has been a distraction that has led nowhere except to delay matters. Government must stop the the UK from being s…

 @9PRB25Q answered…36mins36m

There’s no need for the government to run the trains. The problem has been that they implemented privatisation badly.

 @9PRB25Q answered…36mins36m

The current stance on drugs has led to the creation of drugs gangs. I would favour decriminalisation but with a way that…

 @9PRB25Q answered…36mins36m

The government should not have any right to know how people spend their money unless they have good reason to to believe…

 @9PRB25Q answered…36mins36m

I think there needs to be a clearer understanding of what AI is to take an informed decision. Government should encourag…

 @9PR9XBJ answered…44mins44m

Yes education should be free and encouraged for all uk citizens. There need to be controls on course standards, entry cr…

 @9PR9XBJ answered…44mins44m

This is difficult, yes they need he but if help is provided the price of first time houses will rise making it difficult…

 @9PR9XBJ answered…44mins44m

Collective negotiation of employment conditions is important, but controls on both sides need to be impact to avoid abus…

 @9PR9XBJ answered…44mins44m

The taxation system needs a total review covering all government income sources, local and central. Clarity on where mon…

 @9PR9XBJ answered…44mins44m

Up to the individual/orginisation to agree to working arrangements, however must be legal controls on both employee and…

 @9PR9XBJ answered…45mins45m

Emergency care should be available to everyone in the country residents and visitor's, however there need to be control…

 @9PR9XBJ answered…45mins45m

Foreign aid should be provided for disasters, controls should be in place to avoid corruption in use of these funds.

 @9PR9XBJ answered…45mins45m

The users of encrypted communication systems needs to be monitored, not necessarily the content. Need to avoid abuse eit…

 @9PR954T answered…2hrs2H

No why would paying them more reduce wait times are they suddenly going to be more efficient in their job?


 @9PR86BK answered…4hrs4H

it should be legal but not open for the public. there should be a process to go through including things like a therapy…

 @9PR7CJ7 answered…5hrs5H

Create an entirely new education system geared towards a pupil-led curriculum rather than one serving industry

 @9PR77FJ answered…5hrs5H

Yes but I understand they are a positive influence on tourism, charity, and international relations.

 @9PR73B8 answered…6hrs6H

No, but the income threshold should be raised and funding needs to be increased so that meals are better and more widely…

 @9PR6RC8 answered…6hrs6H

How did this question get through editing? Along with the teachers and guns one it reduces the credibility of this site