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 @9PPMG8C answered…12mins12m

No, the government has enough control and this feels like a step towards further government control.

 @9PPMG46 answered…13mins13m

No if a pact with their own nations is struck (whereby brits can get free emergency healthcare in their country and vice…

 @9PPM4KX answered…21mins21m

They ought to be allowed to stay provided they assimilate the UK tradition NOT their their country of origin like ISLAM/…

 @9PPLDG5 answered…47mins47m

Yes, as long as the crime was not committed in office and it was not a felony, violent, financial or sexual crime

 @9PPLBS9 answered…49mins49m

Nobody on state welfare should have more of an income than somebody who goes to work .benefits should be no more than m…

 @9PPLBS9 answered…49mins49m

Just make sure everybody who is eligible to pay taxes exactly how much they are supposed to pay .close loop hole s

 @9PPLBS9 answered…49mins49m

If all efforts have been made to rehouse them and they still don't take the offer not alot you can do .

 @9PPLBS9 answered…49mins49m

Landlords should be able charge rent at a reasonable rate for the area ...but not be aloud to charge what they want

 @9PPLBS9 answered…49mins49m

No not until been a citizen form 5 or more years crime free and be in full time employment contributing to tax system

 @9PPLBS9 answered…49mins49m

Why can't we send them to our own outposts Falkland s we must have regular flights going .Once processed then can…

 @9PPLBGT answered…49mins49m

An impossible question to answer. Privatisation is needed within the NHS, but it should always be free at the point of u…

 @9PPL698 answered…53mins53m

Yes, only those who have prior links to the country, or have a need to leave their home country due to safety reasons sh…

 @9PPL698 answered…53mins53m

There should be mixed category races, where all are able to compete against others of similar ability, regardless of gen…

 @9PPL698 answered…53mins53m

No, but people/goverment should not be allowed to lable concerns about their own behaviour as hate speech.